Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03411B
Claimant: Paupau
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Anahola
Ili: Kalaiula, Hope
Statistics: 2641 characters 404 words
No. 3411B, Paupau, Hope, Anahola, Kauai
F.T. 199v12

Mailou came forward & made Oath as follows:

I know that this paper before you is a true copy of the claim Paupau sent to Honolulu in 1848.
The same was admitted to a hearing.

Kaunahi, sworn, says I know Paupau's lands in Anahola. They are in three pieces as follows:

No. 1 is 1 Loi, kula & house lot.

No. 2 is 2 Lois in "Hope."

No. 3 is kula in "Kalaiula."

No. ....

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Kealia by Puaa's pasture.

Paupau had these lands securely, although Kamokuhiwa had taken section 2 in 1850. These are Paupau's own lands, they do not belong to any other person.

Kaumai, sworn, he has seen Paupau's land and he has seen the Konohiki take section 2; however, the governor has returned it. He has heard Kaunahi's statements and both he (Kaunahi) and Kaumai have known in the same way.

[Award 3411B; R.P. 7317; Hope Anahola Koolau; 1 ap.; 2 roods 4 rods]