Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00131
Claimant: Farmer, Henry
Other claimant:
Other name: Fama, Hanare
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Statistics: 3114 characters 533 words
No. 131, Henry Farmer, claimant, Honolulu, June 11, 1846
F.R. 112-113v1

To the Honorable board of Commissioners, &c, &c., Gentlemen:
We do hereby claim under the original deed from Richard Charlton a certain parcel of land adjoining the piece of which I sent ye the measurement, claimed to be owned by Stephen Reynolds. The said piece, a parcel of land, was never sold, enfeoffed or alienated by our deceased father.

The circumstance under which George Lawrance first got possession of said parcel or piece of land is this - Our late deceased father and George Lawrance being on frien ....

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.... emands for that place. When Farmer was enclosing his property, it was vacant, void of house and fence. It has been ten years or more since the death of this person's father and since that time to the present time, his people have always lived there."

Kiwalao, sworn by the Bible and he said, "I have heard from this person's father that property was from Kanikela, and at that time it was idle and had no fence. I have not heard that anyone has ever objected to him and his children since that time, nor have I heard that anyone else has an interest there."

[No. 131 not awarded]