Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03447
Claimant: Kepio
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Polipoli
Ili: Haleleu, Kapalaoa
Statistics: 1548 characters 240 words
No. 3447, Kepio
N.R. 81v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: At Kepalaoa in Polipoli are 12 /lo`i/, 1 kula. That is my claim for which I petition you, the Land Commissioners.
Polipoli, 25 December 1847

F.T. 543-544v7
Cl. ....

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.... moo and pasture at Halelau.
Mauka by Waiwaiole
Waihee by Kamahua
Makai by Pohakupa
Maalaea by Waiwaiole.

Section 2 - 2 Patches at Kepalaoa.
Mauka by Keoahula
Waihee by Pualinui
Makai and Maalaea by Keoahula.

[Award 3447; Halelau Waiehu; 1 ap.; .64 Ac.]