Mahele Documents

03564 Nahalulua, his wife
Claim Number: 03564
Claimant: Kekoa
Other claimant:Nahalulua, his wife
Other name: Kekoa Kukui o Kahea
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Nawiliwili
Ili: Kukuikahu, Kuapee
Statistics: 2914 characters 514 words
No. 3564, Kekoa, Kukui o Kahea, January 12, 1848
N.R. 58v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings to you all: I hereby state my lo`i claim. I, Kekoa, a Hawaiian subject living on the island of Kauai, have three lo`i, a circumference of 19 chains. I received them from Daniela.
KEKOA X, his mark

F.T. 145-146v13
No. 3564, Kekoa

Kauhailama, sworn, says I have lived on the land joining Kekoa for 20 years. Kekoa is now dead. He died in 1850 about the month of April. His heir is his widow, Nahalulua. ....

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.... lois.

Section 1 - There are 41 koele lois, 4 of which are for Kekoa and 1 lois is mauka in the ili of Kuapee.

Section 1 - Is in the ili of Kukuiokahea.
Mauka by to Koloa, walk road
Wailua by Poalima lois
Makai by stream
Kona by pali.

Section 2 - The lois
Mauka by Kaaikahala
Wailua by pali
Makai by Nahaula's land
Kona by pali.

P. Kanoa, sworn, he was present and had heard the testimony which was flawless. He (Kekoa) has sold his land to Wilimana for $40.00.

[No. 3564 not awarded]