Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03606
Claimant: Kamae
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Koloa, Hikina
Ili: Puuohaku
Statistics: 2336 characters 412 words
No. 3606, Kamae, Koloa, Kauai, January 12, 1848
N.R. 71v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I, Kamae, a Hawaiian subject living at Koloa, island of Kauai, hereby state my claim for land received from Paulo Kanoa. There are 12 lo`i and also a kula. The length is 17 chains on the east, the same on the west. The width on the north and south is 8 chains. That is the size of my claim.

F.T. 30- ....

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.... kula area because he believes that it was previously cultivated by the Konohiki during the time of Hukiku when Kauhi was serving as Konohiki. It was planted in sugar cane and yams and at that time it was left fallow and later Kamae ma and the rest cultivated it up until the present.

Nakapaahu, sworn, I have heard the testimony of E. Opunui concerning the land of Kamae and it is true.

[Award 3606; R.P. 7269; Koloa Kona; 1 ap.; 3 Acs 12 rods]