Mahele Documents

03642 Kamoa, his friend
Claim Number: 03642
Claimant: Kuaolohu
Other claimant:Kamoa, his friend
Other name: Kuolohu, Kuholohu
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Kalapaki
Ili: Keahakea
Statistics: 2382 characters 379 words
No. 3642, Kuaolohu, Kalapaki, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 82v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state to you my claim for land. I, Kuaolohu, a Hawaiian subject living on the island of Kauai have two lo`i, makai of Kalapaki, and a small kula. I received my lo`is from Paulo X.
KUAOLOHU X, his mark

F.T. 171v13
No. 3642, Kuolohu's Heir, Claimant

Zepania, sworn, says he kn ....

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.... ot.
Mauka by Hao's house
Wailua by Koenaawainui's pond
Makai by house lot
Koloa by Makai.

Land from Kauhailawa at the time of Kahalaia and no one has objected to the present time.

Kauhailawa, sworn, he was present and heard S. Koikoi's testimony, but Kuaolohu is deceased. He had given his land to Kamoa.

[Awarded 3642; R.P. 3832, Kalapaki Puna; 2 ap.; 3 roods; see 3646 daughter Kamoa; R.P to Kuolohu]