Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03649
Claimant: Kamalo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Hanamaulu
Ili: Noni
Statistics: 2525 characters 421 words
No. 3649, Kamalo, Hanamaulu, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 84v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Kamalo, hereby state my claim which is occupied at Hanamaulu, island of Kauai. I have five lo`i and a small kula, 40 chains ln length by 39 chains in width. I received it from Paulo Kanoa.

F.T. 159v13
No. 3649, Kamalo, Claimant

Papawaa, sworn, says I know well the land of Claimant It lies in Hanamaulu & consists of five loi ....

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.... , 3 lois from Papu, no one objected except that Keo took the two lois and gave them to Anonoana. Kamalo had agreed to Keo's distribution but only because he had misunderstood Keo.

Kaaimala, sworn, Keo did realize there were more people on that land so he distributed land which had been made claims in 1848. In 1849, he redistributed the people's land, they consented without understanding this action.

[Award 3649; R.P. 7666; Ononi Hanamaulu Puna; 1 ap.; 1.75 Acs 20 rods]