Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03681
Claimant: Makapo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei
Ili: Napuepueekolu, Napuekuekolo
Statistics: 3131 characters 478 words
No. 3681, Makapo
N.R. 35-36v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state /my claim for/ my `ili, with some lo`is and the kula. The lo`is are 27 fathoms by ten fathoms and are in this `ili.

The mo`os which adjoin my `ili* are: Kukahikahaua on one side and Kawaihoa's on the other side. I received this little `ili from Paliai, who is our haku`aina and have occupied it until this day, a period of fifteen years.
I am, respectfully,

/*`Ili, as used there, seems to refer to a very small and area, smaller than a mo`o./

F.T. 144v6 also ....

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.... me when Hoapili was alive, in the year 1831, and has had quiet and undis-puted possession.

Puahiohio, sworn, All the foregoing is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it.

N.T. 144v6 [also page 65]
No. 3681, Makapo

Liipali, sworn, taro and pasture in Napuepuekolu ili of Napualei.

Mauka by Konohiki
Manae by Hopu
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Kawaihoa

There are pasture sections also. Land from Awili in 1836, no objections to Makapo.

[Award 3681; R.P. 7069; Kapualei Kona; 2 ap.; 2.98 Acs; R.P. in Napuekuekolo Kapualei]