Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03693
Claimant: Mailou
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Waimea
Statistics: 2272 characters 394 words
No. 3693, Mailou, Waimea, Oahu, January 14, 1848
N.R. 143-144v4

To the Land Commissioners: I, Mailou, have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Waimea. There is one mo`o, Kapuakea, and one kula. The boundaries are: on the north is kahawai /stream/, on the east, Kaenuke's, on the south, a pali, on the west, Puikai and Kahaleape's /land/. One kula is bounded on the north by Pupukea, on the east by Lakahi, on the south by ....

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.... weet potato kula.

Apana 1:
Mauka, land of Kaenuhe
Waialua, pali
Makai, land of Puikai
Kahkuku, stream.

Apana 2:
Mauka, land of Lakahi Named/ Opu
Waialua, Pau is the land
Kahuku, pali.

This land was from his parents, from the time of Kamehameha I - the occupancy was from Kaahumanu I. It is undisputed.

Kaiheku, sworn, I know this is correct.

[No. 3693 not awarded]