Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03739B
Claimant: Waihaawi, Penia
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kaauhuhu
Statistics: 2031 characters 311 words
[No. 3739B], Penia Waihaawai
N.R. 267v8

[Listed as 3739 not awarded]

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain to you my occupancy of this claim for land. It has been held from the time of Kamehameha I until the present when I am the one living on this land claim. The boundaries of this claim are: a pali is on the north, an iwi /boundary ridge/ is on the east, th ....

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.... nd ancient from Waihaani's grandparents to him now. Grandparents received it from Kamehameha I; no one had objected.

Kalaumaia, sworn, He substantiates Kaiwiula's testimony.

Section 8: Ili land at Kaulanaaoi, Kapulena ahupuaa. Boundaries are all for the konohiki.
Land partially enclosed, 2 houses for Waihaawi.

[Award 3739B; Kaauhuhu Hamakua; 1 ap.; 12 Acs]