Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03757
Claimant: Ahukini
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Waipio
Ili: Napoopoo, Pohakuomoo, Hanaimoopuna, Ulupala, Ililoa
Statistics: 1650 characters 264 words
No. 3757, Ahukini
N.R. 268v8

This lot was received from Kaina, who had it from Nana, who had it from Koomoo, who had it from Kuakini.



N.T. 188v4
No. 3757, Ahukini, Hamakua, October 17, 1848

Kuaana, sworn and stated, I have seen ....

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.... land at Ulupala
Mauka by Kaaea's land
Kohala by Pahupohaku ili land
Makai by Mokuwai ili land
Hilo by my patch.
3 cultivated patches.

Kaaeae had given him his interest in 1839 or 1840 perhaps; no one has objected.

[Award 3757; R.P. 5238; Napoopoo Waipio Hamakua; 2 ap.; 4.4 Acs]