Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03905C
Claimant: Kolia
Other claimant:
Other name: Kalia
Island: Maui
District: Hamakualoa
Ahupuaa: Pauwela, Kuiaha
Ili: Laie, Paukia, Aiawakea
Statistics: 2509 characters 403 words
No. 3905C, Kolia
N.R. 135v6

Here is the claim of Kolia /in/ Oluwau. There is kula and taro land.

F.T. 67-68v8
Cl. 3905C, Kolia

Paele, sworn, The claimant's land are 3 pieces. They are as follows:

No. 1 is a kalo land in the ili of Laie.
No. 2 is kula land in the ili of Laie.
No. 3 is kula land in the ili of Paukia.

The claimant received them from David Malo in the year 183 ....

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.... /pali.

Hookaea, sworn, He has seen Kalia's fourth section at Walehina in Kuiaha which Kupa had given him before 1819 and no one has objected.

Section 4 - Pasture.
Mauka by Hookaea
Koolau by pali
Makai by sea
Wailuku by Kuiaha pali.

[Award 3905C; R.P. 2771 in Aiawakea Pauwela Hamakualoa; 1 ap.; 1.07 Acs to Kaili; See 3905B; Award 3905C; R.P. 2175; Lewaie Pauwela Hamakualoa; 2 ap.; 2.02 Acs; Paukei Kuiaha Hamakualoa; 1 ap.; 4.64 Acs to Kolia]