Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03905G
Claimant: Keonekapu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Hamakualoa
Ahupuaa: Peahi
Ili: Waiau, Puolokapu
Statistics: 1308 characters 209 words
No. 3905G, Keonekapu
N.R. 136v6

Here is the claim of Keonekapu. The Ahupua`a is Paeaki, his claim is in Waiau. There is taro, kula, olona, eino* land, and a stream.
It is finished.

/*possible a variation on ....

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.... ili of Peahi which Kekahuna had given in 1846, no one has objected.

Section 1:
Mauka by Kaholo
Koolau and Makai by Halehaku ahupuaa
Wailuku by Opana ahupuaa.

Section 2 - Taro pasture.

[No. 3095G not awarded]