Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03914
Claimant: Nakoko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Wawaia
Ili: Kapalae
Statistics: 3073 characters 456 words
No. 3914, Nakoko
N.R. 58v7

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I, Nakoko, have a claim for land - Kapalae in the Ahupua`a of Wawaia. It was given me by Nakoi in 1842 - 5 years. It is 40 fathoms long by 16 fathoms wide. There is also a claim for a lot 1 long by 53 wide, and there also remain some kulas which are mine.

F.T. 32v6
3914, Nakoko

Nakoko's claim in ili Kapalae is of kalo & kula.

Mauka, konohiki
Manae, Kaahua
Makai, pond
Malalo, Kumueli.

Kula, like above is old as the above & ko ....

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.... br />Kalamaula, Loiloa.

His land was from Nakoe when Hoapili was alive and it is undisputed. 1 taro lo'i is in Apana.l.

Kiekie, sworn: Our knowledge of it is the same - no objections.

N.T. 134v6 [also page 55]
No. 3914, Nakolo

Nakoi, sworn, taro land in Kapalae ili in Wawaia.

Mauka by Konohiki
Manae by Loiloa
Makai by Pond
Malalo by Kumueli

Nakoko has some pasture sections also. He lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, no one has objected.

[Award 3914; R.P. 3869; Wawaia Kona; 4 ap.; 2.42 Acs]