Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03919
Claimant: Nakahuna
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kumueli
Ili: Kawailoa
Statistics: 3057 characters 480 words
No. 3919, Nakahuna
N.R. 59v7

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I have a land at Kumueli, Molokai; its name is Kawailoa III. It is on the Island of Molokai. Its length is 7 and the width is 2.

I received it in 1838 - 9 years ago, from Hoai, who is also he witness It is bounded inland by a po`alima, to the eastward, or upwind, is Pukila's land, makai is a po`alima also, and below /leeward/ is Kapalu's land. That is my claim for land.

F.T. 33v6
3919, Nakahuna

Nakahuna's claim in ili Kawailoa is a piece of ka ....

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.... Kalamaula, Kapalu.

It was from Nahoaai, the Konohiki in the time when Hoapili was alive, and he has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Kanewanui, sworn: Our knowledge of it is the same.

N.T. 137v6 [also page 58]
No. 3919, Nakahuna

Elia Kauma, sworn, taro in the ili land of Kawailoa in Kumueli.

Mauka by Konohiki
Manae by Pukila
Makai by Konohiki
Malalo by Palu

Nakahuna had lived there at time of Naea of Molokai peacefully.

[Award 3919; R.P. 2991; Kawailoa Kumueli Kona; 1 ap.; .16 Ac.]