Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 03925G
Claimant: Apolo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kaanapali
Ahupuaa: Kahanaiole, Kahanaikole
Ili: Paki, Kolekole
Statistics: 3907 characters 641 words
Cl. 3925G, Apolo
F.T. 376-377v7

Z. Kaauwai, sworn, I wrote out and handed in Apolo's claim in January 1848.

Kahinalua, sworn, I know the lands of Apolo. They are in 8 pieces, seven of them are in Kahananui, and one in Kahanaikole.

No. 1 is a house lot in the ili of Paki.
No. 2 is a kula land in the ili of Paki.
No. 3 is a kula land in the ili of Paki.
No. 4 is a kula land in the ili of Paki.
No. 5 is a kula land in the ili of Paki.
No. 6 is a kula land in the ili of Kolekole.
No. 7 is a kula land in the ili of Kolekole.
No. 6 is a kula land in the Ahupuaa of Kahanaiole.

The claimant received the first seven pieces from his parents in the days of Hoapili and they had them from ....

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.... ream
Makai by Keaakukni ili
Kahakuloa by Pali/Hauna.

Section 6 - Pasture land in the ili of Kolekole
Mauka by Pala's land
Lahaina by Kahinalua
Makai by Nika's land
Kahakuloa by Pali.

Section 7 - Pasture land in the ili of Kolekole.
Mauka by Kuoioi
Lahaina by Konohiki
Makai by Stream
Kahakuloa by Pali.

Section 8 - Pasture land in the ili of Kahanaiole.
Mauka by Pahakea pali.
Lahaina by Kahanaiki ahupuaa
Makai by Kaunukapu pali
Kahakuloa by Kahana pali.

Seven (7) sections from Apolo's wife Akahi. Section 8 from D. Malo. D. Malo's
land from Hoapili, no objection.

[Award 3925G; R.P. 4587; Kahananui Kaanapali; 3 ap.; 13.23 Acs]