Mahele Documents

2/5/2012 2:46:14 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 03985
Claimant: Halulu, Peter
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaluaaha
Ili: Namoo, Pahukauila
Statistics: 6449 characters 951 words
No. 3985, P. Halulu, Kaluaaha, Molokai
N.R. 68-69v8

To the Land Commissioners, here in Hawaii: I have some lands - two lo`i at Kaluaaha, in the mo`o of Pahukauila, also.

This lo`i is 8 fathoms by 5 fathoms./

Again, in the mo`o of Namoo is a lo`i which is 10 fathoms and a yard by 7 fathoms. I have had these lo`i for ten or more years, and one of the lo`is of mine was from kauakahi.

Also, at Mapuelhu, I have two lo`i, in the mo`o of Moomuku is one, 7 fathoms by 7 fathoms.

In the mo`o of Puuhanau is another lo`i, 4 fathoms by 3 fathoms and a yard. The lo`i at Moomuku was from kaukuloa - on his death it went to Kawelo, and I have had it from him until this time. I have cultivated that lo`i for fourteen years.

Another lo`i was from Paluhi - that is the lo`i at Puhanau and I have cultivated it for 3 years.

I have another parcel of land - the place where my house stands. It is 26 fathoms in length. I received it from Hulu and built a house there. This pauku of land adjoins Paukawila on the east side, and my old lot on the west side.

I also have some kula land, one is in the mo`o of Pohoulu and is 31 fathoms by 17 fathoms; the second pauku of land is in Namoo, and is 24 fathoms by 14 fathoms. One was from Hulu a ....

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.... i. It was given in 1837 at the time of Nahienaena's death, no one has objected to Halulu and it is enclosed.

Kualuahu, sworn, no oppositions to these claims were known to him.

Section 4 - Pasture.
Mauka by Uweuwele
Mapulehu and Makai by Kaiui.

On the Malapue side Kaluaaha is a stream. This land is from Hulu, no one has objected.

N.T. 17v16
No. 239H, Petero, 239H, Waimakea, No. 3985, Halulu, 29 October 1853

Halulu, No. 3985, Pgs. 386 and 422, Vol. 6 is correct.

Pulehu, sworn, he knows claimant's land section in the ili of Pahukauila, Kaluaaha.

Section 1 - Taro land and a house lot.
Mauka by road
Waialua by Kau's
Makai by Pond
Ualapue by Keanui's land.

Section 2 - Taro land patch.
Mauka by Pulehu's land
Waialua and Makai by Makaihuia's land
Ualapue by Kahakumakaliilii's land.

Section 3 - 1 loi.
Mauka by konohiki's land
Waialua by Kamoku's land
Makai by Ihu's land
Ualapue by konohiki's land.

Land received from Kalolou at the time of Hoapili, no objections to the present.
Ninihua sworn testimony above is true, I have known in the same way.

[Award 3985; R.P. 7713; Kaluaaha Kona; 4 ap.; 8.19 Acs]