Mahele Documents

04099 Kaholoaa, Kahumoku
Claim Number: 04099
Claimant: Keawekuloa
Other claimant:Kaholoaa, Kahumoku
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, South
Ahupuaa: Waimea
Ili: Puako
Statistics: 1733 characters 285 words
No. 4099, Keawekuloa, January 6, 1848
N.R. 384v8

Kaholoaa, Kahumoku

Greetings to you, the Commissioners: Here is our claim for a lot at Puako, Waimea, Hawaii. It is 40 fathoms by 40 fathoms. Within this lot are 5 houses, 7 coconut trees, 2 hala trees, and 5 salt pools.

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.... tato patches on which the boundaries cannot be cited, 2 for Kaholoaa, 2 for Keawekuloa, none for Kahumoku. This is an old place for them."

Awihimakalani, sworn and stated, "I have known exactly as Pookulou has related here. This was from their grandparents before the time of Kamehameha I."

[No. 4099 not awarded]