Mahele Documents

04167 Pehepolani, Noa
Claim Number: 04167
Claimant: Kaiheauau
Other claimant:Pehepolani, Noa
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mapulehu
Ili: Kaluanui
Statistics: 4389 characters 686 words
No. 4167, Kaiheauau
N.R. 88-89v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: We have a claim in some land areas in the Ahupua'a of Mapulehu on the Island of Molokai. Kaluanui is the name of this 'ili which is mauka. The 'ili on the makai side is for Waimea.

We took up this claim a very long time ago. Laa, the konohiki of Keoua, gave it to one of us. We have occupied and cultivated this 'ili from that time until this day. Formerly, po'alima labor was done but at this time we are excused because of having children and because of old age. This is kula land, 141 fathoms long by 46 fathoms and a yard in width.

The second claim is our taro land, which is 36 fathoms long by 15 fathoms wide -- these are taro lo'is.

We request that if this claim is found valid, it be awarded to us.

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Makai, Kanae
Kaluaaha, stream.

Section 2 - land from Lea, no objections

N.T. 42v16
No. 4167, Kaiheanau

Ku, sworn, he has seen these land sections in Kaluanui of Mapulehu.

Section 1 - Kula land.
Mauka by a pali
Halawa and Makai by konohiki's land
Kaluaaha by road.

Section 2 - Pasture land.
Kaluaaha by road
On the remaining sides by konohiki's land.

Section 3 - Kula land.
Kaluaaha by road
On the remaining sides by konohiki's land.

Section 4 - House lot.
Bounded by the land of the konohiki.

Land from Pehipolani at the time of Kamehameha II. No problems to the present time.

J. Kanae, sworn, Kaiheanau's claim is correct.

[Award 4167; R.P. 2968; Mapulehu Kona; 4 ap.; 1.98 Acs]