Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04169
Claimant: Kakii
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mapulehu
Ili: Kapapoko, Kalapaoo
Statistics: 2786 characters 446 words
No. 4169, Kakii
N.R. 89-90v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have some claims for land in the Ahupua'a of Mapulehu by Island of Molokai; Kalapaoo is the name of this 'ili. Kaluanui, for Kaiheauau, is the 'ili on the makai side. It is 140 fathoms long by 65 fathoms wide.

This land jumps in various places; it is kula land.

The taro land, in this same 'ili named Kalapaoo, is 117 fathoms in circumference, as follows: A to I, 30 fathoms, I to O, 14 fathoms. O to U, 16 fathoms, U to H, ....

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No. 4169, Kakii

Kaiheauau, sworn, Kakii's land is in the moo of Kalopaao of Kapapoko ili in Mapulehu. Land from
Kekoa although under Heule.

Section 1 - 3 patches.
Mauka by Puhipolani
Pukoo by Kanae
Makai by Keleau
Kaluaaha by Keaweeli.

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by Pasture
Pukoo by pali
Makai by Kaiheauau
Kaluaaha by stream.

Waimea, sworn, they have known in the same way.

[Award 4169; R.P. 4920; Mapulehu Kona; 3 ap.; 1.26 Acs]