Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04178
Claimant: Kiekie
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Wawaia
Ili: Kihapoai
Statistics: 4674 characters 758 words
No. 4178, Kiekie
N.R. 97v7

I have a mo'o and some sweet potato kula at Kiliapoai, Ahupua'a of Wawaia. The konohiki is Nakoi -- Nakoi gave it to Kea and Kea gave it to me.

The length is 66 fathoms by 38 fathoms in width. It is bounded on the eastward by Kawahawale's land, also makai and down wind, and mauka by Awala's land.

F.T. 32v6
4178, Kiekie

This claim is in ili Kihapoai, consists of kalo & kula

Mauka, Awela
Manae, konohiki
Makai, Kawahawale
Malalo, Ino.

Kula lele of [illegible "kue elillai"?]. Claim was received from Kipa's time of luna ahau on Molokai about A.D. 1837 & konohiki confirms this claim.

F.T. 135v6 also page 56
No. 4178, Kiekie

Nakoi, hoohikiia. Ma ka ilii o Kihapoai ma Wawaia.

Apana 1. kal ....

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.... ; and "Puaahala"

Beginning at Ke Ahuakoko - a rock hill, or protuberance, and running straight seaward, until Nawa, at the end of the house, windward of that site, - this is the boundary which separates Wawaia and Puaahala. It was Kaihe who cut it by walling to the sea; however, I did not see Kaihe cutting it. My knowledge of it was before Boki went abroad, in.1828. The other boundaries are not fixed.

The decision was to go and look at that house lot.

N.T. 135v6
4178, Kiekie

Nakoi, sworn, taro in Kihapoai ili of Wawaia.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by Awala
Manae by konohiki
Makai by Kawahawale
Malalo by Ino.

There are some lele pastures. Land given in 1837, at the time of Kipa, the konohiki has retained
Kiekie, no objections.

[Award 4178; R.P. 5027; Kihapoai, Wawaia Kona; 4 ap.; 4.77 Acs]