Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04189
Claimant: Kaina
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei
Ili: Uhaumoku, Haumoku
Statistics: 2908 characters 435 words
No. 4189, Kaina
N.R. 103v8

 I, the one whose name is below, hereby state to you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles, my claim for my mo"o, Uhaomoku, in the Ahupua"a of Kapualei, on the Island of Molokai.

There are some lo"i and their kula, 33 fathoms in length by 11 fathoms in width. The land is bounded by Puahiohio"s land on one side and Kaaiole"s mo"o on another side, and the same with the kula land.

I have occupied this land for 17 years. Palioi was the former konohiki and I have occupied it from ....

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He received these from Kahipalioi when Hoapili was alive and has had quiet and undisputed possession.

Puahiohio, sworn, His claim is valid -- no objections.

N.T. 142v6
No. 4189, Kaina

Hawaii, sworn, taro in Hahaomoku ili in Kapualei.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka, Manae, Malalo by konohiki
Makai by Laie.

There are pasture sections also. Kaina lived there at the time Naea had Molokai, no one has

[Award 4189; R.P. 6119; Haumoku Kapualei Kona; 2 ap.; 3.12 Acs]