Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04294B
Claimant: Kalaweaumoku
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Manoa
Statistics: 2179 characters 375 words
No. 4294B, Kalaweaumoku, 10 May 1853
N.T. 226-227v10

L.C.W. Nailiili, sworn, I wrote Kalaweaumoku's claim on 16 February 1847, I wrote twenty or more other interests without a fee on that same day, for people from Pamoa and for others from other places. Eighteen patches, three potato ilis and two house lots were written in Kalaweaumoku's claim, these are all in Pamoa. I also filed these claims at the ....

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7 April 1854 - Kalawaia, Kanaina's konohiki relates: Kalaweaumoku and I appeared before C. Kanaina in regards to this claim and he consented to agree on Kalaweaumoku's claim except for the uncultivated pasture and the patches which are filled with weeds. This was an order by him and Kalaweaumoku has agreed to it.

[Award 4294B; R.P. 2596; Pamoa Manoa Kona; 3 ap.; 3.96 Acs]