Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04301
Claimant: Kanakanui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolauloa
Ahupuaa: Laie
Ili: Koloa, Puapuaneinei, Kapaka, Kaloawai, Paukuwila, Kahaumalo, Kaluaolohe
Statistics: 1965 characters 330 words
No. 4301, Kanakanui
N.R. 242v4

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claim. Paakea is my mo`o with five taro lo`i. One taro lo`i is at Puapuaneinei. Two lo`i are in Kapaka. One kula is at Kaloawai. One kula wauke is in Kalapaihahaloa, an `ili of Koloa. Three mala of noni are in Paukauwila. One mala of noni is in Kahaumalo. Two steep sweet potato plan ....

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.... iki. It is planted in Water Melons. The second piece of kula land is bounded: On all sides by the Konohiki. It is planted with tobacco. The House lot is makai. It is not enclosed. There is one house on it.

Claimant derived the land from his ancestors.

The Konohiki's Agent consented to this claim.

[Award 4301; R.P. 2916; Laie Koolauloa; 4 ap.; 2.72 Acs.]