Mahele Documents

04308B Kamoku, his heir
Claim Number: 04308B
Claimant: Kaminaualii
Other claimant:Kamoku, his heir
Other name: Kaninaualii
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waimea
Ili: Eneamo
Statistics: 3755 characters 657 words
No. 4308B, Kaminaualii
N.T. 223-224v13

Samuela, sworn, I was present when claimant made out his claim. I know it was made out at the proper time, and was put into Mr. Rowel's hands to forward to the commission.
Claimant's land is in the ili of Eneamo in Waimea, Kauai.

Section 1
Mauka by Koele and Konohiki's land
Hanapepe by house lot of Puuohule
Makai by house lot Kapapa
Mana by river, Waimea.

Claimant received this land from Kahikioewa in the days of Kinau and his title to it was never disputed till after Feb. 1848. Soon after this time this Konohiki attempted to take away this land from claimant, and gave it to claimant's man, but without claimant&ap ....

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.... thinking that he had departed from the land, gave it to a foreigner, although he (Kaninaualii) had not rejected the land. He is still contributing to taxes every year.

Kaapuiki, sworn, Kamuela's statement is true.

Iona Kamoopohaku, sworn, I am in charge over all the lands in Waimea here and for all the work. This had been his land from the beginning, but he wanted to leave and told me he had some one to take care of his land. I had denied him this and he departed anyway and has been gone for six years. I feel he has no claim, no one had substituted or has done any of my work for the past six years. I think my initial statement has been enforced.

[Award 4308B; R.P. 7824; Waimea 1 ap. 3 Ac 2 roods 12 rods]