Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04311
Claimant: Kamalie
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Paalaa
Ili: Kumaile, Keakahuna, Hanauewa
Statistics: 1830 characters 312 words
No. 4311, Kumaile, Waialua, January 6, 1848
N.R. 249-250v4

To the Land Commissioners: I, Kamalie, am a claimant at Paalaa, in Kahakahuna /at a place/ named Loikahi. A kula is named Papa. Here are the boundaries: on the north is Loikahi and a house. On the east is my kula place, Papa. On the south is Kaneloko. On the west is a kula. My right ....

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.... poko, house site of Maio ma.

Apana 2: House lot, which has not been bounded.

He received this land from his wife's parents in the time of Kamehameha I, and is undisputed.

Witness 2, Kilioe, sworn, my knowledge of it is the same as Kealealoha-nui's.

[Award 4311; R.P. 3425; Kumalie Paalaa Waialua; 1 ap.; .42 Ac.]