Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04536
Claimant: Elemakule
Other claimant:
Other name: Kaelemakule
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Moakea
Ili: Palauhulu,
Statistics: 3865 characters 627 words
No. 4536, Elemakaule, Moakea, January 1848
N.R. 1-2v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Elemakule, am in the Ahupua`a of Moakea, Island of Molokai. I hereby petition for my `Ili in this Ahupua`a, which is named Palauhulu. There are 18 lo`i in this `ili. Its length is 5 chains, and perhaps 5 fathoms. This `Ili lies absolutely straight at the seashore, the width is very little, it is enclosed by two palis, and the `Ili of Manapai is on the north. The `ili makai is Makahia. There is also a kula named Kuakaa, which runs until close to the sea, which is the makai boundary, Makailiokai is mauka, this kula is exactly in between. Its length is 28 chains, 13 chains is the width. This kula runs to the mountain named Oopalaoa. Here are the konoh ....

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.... wife, from the time of Kameha-meha I. There has been quiet and undisputed possession until this time. For the first time I have heard of the Konohiki disputing the kula land. In apana 1 there are 2 lo'i of the Konohiki. The kula land is not completely cultivated, but it is partially so.

Opu, sworn, The testimony above is true, the same as my knowledge of it.

N.T. 173v6 [also page 94]
No. 4536, Elemakule

Taro in Palauhulu ili in Moakea.
Mauka by Kahoena
Manae by pali
Makai by Keopuka
Malalo by stream, 2 sections of pasture.

Inherited land from Kaelemakule's parents, no one objected. 1 poalima is there.

[Award 4536; no R.P.; Palauhulu Moakea Kona; 2 ap.; 4.78 Acs]