Mahele Documents

9/30/2016 2:20:37 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 04537
Claimant: Ewaliko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mahaulepu
Ili: Kalaiki, Wailaau, Mahaulepu vill.
Statistics: 2248 characters 328 words
No. 4537, Ewaliko, Mahaulepu, Kauai, January 13, 1848
N.R. 101v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners to Quiet Title from Hawaii to Niihau: I, the undersigned, hereby state my claim for land in the `ili of Kalaiki. I have one lo`i, 21 long by 14 wide. Furthermore I have a cultivated place on the southeast side. Also there is a sweet potato enclosure, a salt land, a house lot, a mala of bananas and three orange trees. My claim ....

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.... epe by Kiko's loi.

Section 2 - 1 salt deposit.
Mauka by Wailaau pasture
Puna by Aaron's salt deposit
Makai by Wailaau river
Hanapepe by Wailaau pasture.

Section 3 - House lot.
Mauka by Manini and Kiko's house lot
Puna by Kiko's house lot
Makai by Kapanakea river
Hanapepe by Nanini's house lot.

[Award 4537; R.P. 5506; Kalaiki 1 ap. 1 Ac 1 rood 2 rods; Kawailoa 1 ap. 8 rods]