Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04557
Claimant: Waihowale
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Keopuka 2 (Keopukauuka)
Ili: Makahia
Statistics: 3987 characters 620 words
No. 4557, Waihowale
N.R. 3-4v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have an `Ili in the Ahupua`a of Keopuka on the Island of Molokai, named Makahia, it is a mauka taro land. Its length is 89 fathoms, and its width is 88 fathoms, almost a square. The adjoining `ili on the mauka side is Makahianui, on one side is a pali, a stream in another side, makai it adjoins the `ili of Keahua. Furthermore, there is a kula and the mountain, which are connected with the use of this land. The length of the kula is 770 and the width is 220 fathoms. It lies straight. This `ili has ben possessed from the time when Kamehameha I was the ruler, and I inherited the land. Pualinui was the former konohiki; he was dispossessed and the land passed to Makukulani /and/ Kaahu, and they have ....

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.... by sea
Malalo by stream.

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by stream.

Waihowale lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, no one objected, 2 poalimas are there.

N.T. 45v16
No. 4557, Waihowale, 4 November 1853

Kauai, sworn, claimant's land is in Makahia of Keopuka 2.

Section 2 - Taro.
Mauka by konohiki's land
Halawa by stream
Makai and Kaluaaha by pali.

Section 1 - Taro.
Mauka by konohiki's land
Halawa by stream
Makai by Moakea
Kaluaaha by kula.

Land from his parents at the time of Kamehameha I. No objections to the present.

Poonui, sworn, both have known in the same way.

[Award 4557; R.P. 2965; Keopuka 2; 2 ap.; .33 Ac.]