Mahele Documents

1/15/2017 12:58:32 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 04612
Claimant: Pala
Other claimant:Kalaikau
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honoulimaloo
Ili: Kaipumakole
Statistics: 3128 characters 431 words
No. 4612, Pala
N.R. 9v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Pala, have an `ili named Kaipumakole in the Ahupua`a of Honoulimaloo on the Island of Molokai. This land is bounded mauka by Kaluaoopu, makai by Kapapapla, on the east by a stream. This `ili has a kula. The first haku`aina was Kinimaka, from Kinimaka it passed to Pualani, from Pualani to Lima. Those are the haku`ainas from the beginning of my occupancy of this `ili. The witnesses are the ones to go to the po`alima work days in this ahupua`a. This `ili has no mountain area of fishery. It lies from one bank of the stream to the sea. Therefo ....

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.... received these apanas from me before the death of Kinau, and has had quiet and undisputed possession until the present.

Kowilikopaa, sworn, All the foregoing testimony is true; it is the same as my knowledge of it. I am the Deputy Konohiki.

N.T. 186v6
No. 4612, Pala

Mahoe, luna, sworn, Kaipomakoleili land in Honoulimalo, taro.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by stream
Makai, Malalo by pali.

Today Pala has given this land to Kalaikau and the konohiki had retained him.
1 poalima is there.

[Award 4612; no R.P. Honoulimaloo Kona; 2 ap.; .38 Ac.]