Mahele Documents

04700 Naone, father-in-law
Claim Number: 04700
Claimant: Luhilea, L.
Other claimant:Naone, father-in-law
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hilo
Ahupuaa: Alae
Statistics: 3393 characters 609 words
No. 4700, L. Luhilea, January 15, 1848
N.R. 86-88v8

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my claim for land in the land at Alaea, as follows: Naone was the konohiki of the land, and the makuakane of my wahine. His house site where he resided is Lalahala. He died in 1841, and that land was bequeathed to me and my wahine - his house site and everything of his. Lalahala, his place of residence, is ours. It is at the seashore, a pali is at the back, a stone wall is in front. Within is a hau tree planted by our makuas, which was bequeathed to us, also some coconut trees planted by the ancient people - 27 coconut trees and two trees without fruit. ....

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.... October 18, 1849

Kalaeokalaau, sworn, He has seen Luhilea's 1 section of land with 2 houses there, several gardens and 1 hau grove. Naone, Luhilia's wife's father had owned this land where he had lived since the time of Kamehameha I, until his death in 1841. Then the land was bequested to Luhilea and his wife and it has been that way until now, no one has objected.

The boundaries are:
Mauka by Kumoawai stream
Puna by Kaipo and flowing ditch
Ka`u by road and sea
Hilo by beach.

Painakala, sworn, the boundaries of Luhilea's land are correct.

[Award 4700; R.P. 5656; Alae Hilo; 1 ap.; .36 Ac.]