Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04813
Claimant: Liipali
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei
Ili: Kauaoao
Statistics: 2619 characters 402 words
No. 4813, Liipali
N.R. 119v7

To the Land Commissioners: I have a mo'o, Kauaoao, in the Ahupua'a of Kapualei. Pali gave it to Kanakaokai, and Kanakokai gave it to me -- he is the konohiki. I received it in 1840. It is 50 fathoms by 14 fathoms, and is bounded on the east and west by Ahualepo, on the south by the mo'o of Kanoholoa, on the north by Kapuku.

F.T. 144v6 also page 65
No. 4813, Liipali

Awili, hoohikiia, Kauaoao ka ili ain ....

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.... r />Apana 1: Taro land.
Mauka, land of Hapuku
Makai, land of Kanoholoa
Kaluaaha and Kalamaula, land of Konohiki.

Apana 2: Kula land.
Mauka, land of Konohiki
Kaluaaha, land of Hapuku
Makai, road
Kalamaula, land of Kanakaokai.

He received these apanas from Kapalina in 1836 and has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Puahiohio, sworn, All the foregoing is true; the same as my knowledge of it.

[No. 4813 not awarded; See Award 1832]