Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04818
Claimant: Namaile
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapualei
Ili: Kukuikono
Statistics: 3028 characters 471 words
No. 4818, Namaile
N.R. 120-121v7

I, Namaile, have a taro mo'o, Kukuikomo, in the Ahupua'a of Kapualei on the Island of Molokai. The combined lengths are 85 /fathoms?/ and the widths are 24. It is bounded on the north by Kawaihoa's land, on the south by a lo'i po'alima, on the west by Awili's land. We received it from Pali who granted it to my makuakane, and I inherited it from him. It has been perhaps 28 years. I also have a kula land. The witness is Kaluahine.

F.T. 35v6
4818, Namaile

Namaile&ap ....

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.... n Hoapili was alive, before 1839, and has had quiet and undisputed possession ever since.

Puahiohio, sworn: His claim is valid; my knowledge of this is the same.

N.T. 141v6 [also page 62]
No. 4818, Namaile

Hawaii, sworn, taro and pasture in ili of Kukuikomo in Kapualei.

Mauka by konohiki
Manae by Kawaihoa
Makai by konohiki
Malalo by Auili

There are pasture sections also. Namaile had lived there at the time of Kamehameha I, no objections.

[Award 4818; R.P. 6026; Kukuikono Kapualei Kona; 2 ap.; 3.18 Acs]