Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 04906
Claimant: Kealahili
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mahaulepu
Ili: Kaualehu
Statistics: 2391 characters 408 words
No. 4906, Kealahili, Mahaulepu, Kauai, January 11, 1848
N.R. 121v9

Greetings to the commissioners who quiet titles from Hawaii to Niihau: I, the undersigned claimant of land, hereby state my claims in the `ili of Kaualehu. I have two lo`i, one of which is 26 long and 16 wide and one of which is 21 long by 15 wide.

There is a place for cultivation on the east which is 251 long by 174 wide. A sweet potato enclosure is 250 long by 144 wide, a ....

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.... ka by kula area
Puna by house of Napiaea
Makai by kula area
Hanapepe by Wailaau River.

His land came from his parents when Hukiku was alive. Hukiku gave it to Petero during the time of Kinau. No one is opposed as of the present.

Opunui, sworn, witness I have heard the testimony of Keahikuni concerning the land and the house lot of Kealahili and it is true.

[Award 4906; R.P. 7857; Kaualehu Mahaulepu Kona; 1 ap.; 1.25 Acs]