Mahele Documents

04981 Kaupu, husband deceased
Claim Number: 04981
Claimant: Kalimaeleele, wahine
Other claimant:Kaupu, husband deceased
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Anahola
Statistics: 1704 characters 259 words
No. 4981, Kalimaeleele, Anahola, Kauai, January 12, 1848
N.R. 124v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claims at Anahola. There are
three lo`i and the noni standing there and the house site.

F.T. 179v12
No. 4981, Kalimaeleele (wahine), Claimant< ....

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.... nd of Kalimaeleele (w). He had received it from his parents at the time of Kaikioewa.

Kalehua, sworn, he has seen Kalimaeleele's claim, she is a widow and he also has heard Puaunahi's statements, both have known in the same way. The testimony is correct and true.

[Award 4981; Anahola; 1 ap.; 3 roods 20 rods]