Mahele Documents

05116*O Keleuila, wife
Claim Number: 05116*O
Claimant: Kanae, Samuela
Other claimant:Keleuila, wife
Other name: Kekaula
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Waikiki
Ili: Kiokapu
Statistics: 4012 characters 651 words
No. 5116*O, S. Kanae
N.R. 239v6

Greetings to you, Z. Kaauwai: I hereby tell you of a claim for a lot, which you may have written in the Government's Depository of Claims. If you have not entered it, then enter this claim.

If you wish to know the boundaries you may ask B. Manakaeha.

Furthermore, Aupopoko should be entered with it. It is a little land in Lahaina.
Farewell to you and everyone in your house.
I am, respectfully,
Lahaina, Maui, 19 January 1848

F.T. 152v7
Cl. 5116, S. Kanae (is dead)

Z. Kaauwai, sworn, The claimant's land they consist of one ili of land called Kiokapu in Waikiki, Oahu and an Ahupuaa in Lahaina called Aupokopoko and one house lot in Lahaina al ....

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.... enforced these lots for Kekaula, wife and heir of Kanae. The house lots on Oahu have been from Kanae's wives, Pulehu and I, in 1837. The boundaries to the Lahaina lot are:

[It is bounded]:
Mauka and Olowalu by Kapaakea's land
Makai by Government road
Kaanapali by E. Kuakamauna's land.

No. 2. Kaauwai has not known the boundaries of the house lot in Honolulu, Oahu.

N.T. 414v10
No. 5116, L. [S] Kanae, 7 October 1854

L. Kanae's land distribution
Aupokopoko ahupuaa, Lahaina, Maui.
A.G. Thruston, Chief Clerk, Interior department, 7 October 1854

[Award 5116; R.P. 1833; Panaewa ; Panaewa Lahaina; 1 ap.; .07 Ac.; R.P. 1871; Aupokopoko Lahaina; 1 ap.; 6.58 Acs]