Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05140
Claimant: Kalua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Lupehu
Ili: Nawao
Statistics: 3710 characters 585 words
No. 5140, Kalua
N.R. 156v7

I, Kalua, /have/ an `ili of taro land mauka of Nawao, in the Ahupua`a of Lupehu, Island of Molokai. Kamehameha I was the ruler at the time /it was received/. The diagram is as follows: /See his letter for the diagram. - note by scribe/

The konohikis have been Kaaikupuna, Kahau, Kahakauwila, Kalawalu, Kuhalake, and Kuli.

The witnesses are Kaaemoku, Makaweliweli, Haole, Kunounou and Kanakaloa.
With aloha,
KALUA [no diagram in this text]

F.T. 48v6
5140, Kalua

[note: ] Lupehu, Witnesses Haole & Kuli, konohiki.

Kalua claims ili Nawao, kalo

Mauka, Maona
Manae, pali
Makai, Kaaemoku
M ....

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.... ue; the same as my knowledge of it.

Apana 1 will be cut, the mauka part for the Konohiki and the makai part for Kalua, 10 acres. Apana 2 is all right. Dwight has the claims of the remaining people of Lupehu.

N.T. 168v6 [also page 89]
No. 5140, Kalua

Haole and Kuli, sworn, Nawao ili land in Lupahu.

Section 1 - Taro.
Mauka by Maona
Manae by pali
Makai by Kaaemoku
Malalo by stream.

Section 2 - Pasture.
Mauka by Kaaemoku
Manae by Hanunu
Makai by sea
Malalo by stream.

Inherited land from parents, no one opposed Kalua. 2 Poalimas are there.

[Award 5140; R.P. 4291; Nawao Lupehu Kona; 2 ap.; 10.52 Acs]