Mahele Documents

6/4/2007 4:06:30 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 05401
Claimant: Hanaole
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Koloa, Komohana
Ili: Punahelu, Kawailehua
Statistics: 3242 characters 535 words
No. 5401, Hanaole, West Koloa, Kauai, January 11, 1848
N.R. 159v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Hanaole, hereby state my land claim to you, one lo`i at Punahelu, and 'ili of West Koloa. My land was received from Pine, the Konohiki under Kaikioewa and I have held this lo'i for 16 years. Its corners are as follows: on the south is Kenoi, on the east is Polia, on the north west is Mataio, Pelekai is mauka. There are the corners of my lo'i.

My kula is at Kawailehua and is from Paulo Kanoa.
I am, respectfully,

F.T. 48v13
No. 5401, Hanaole, Cl ....

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.... ke land settlements. I heard Kanao as he gave the pasture of Kawailehua to Hahaole, However Waiwaiole commented that he (Waiwaiole) owned the land on the puna side. When the hearing with Mr. Lee had been completed, Waiwaiole included Hanaole's land in his land.

Naiui, sworn, I was among the kanakas and the governor in that land settlement meeting just as Apolo has related and I did hear about the conveyance of this disputed land to Hanaole. Apolo's testimony is true.

Waiwaiole has consented and the land was awarded to Hanaole.

[Award 5401; R.P. 4250; Punahelu Koloa Kona; 1 ap.; 3 roods 31 rods]