Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00237S
Claimant: Kauhimauna
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaluaaha
Ili: Puepue
Statistics: 4610 characters 715 words
[No. 237S], No. 8940, Kaohimauna
N.R. 262-263v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state to you, the Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles that I have a claim for 2 lots and the lo`i, kula, and a mountain claim, which jump in various places. There are some descriptions pertaining to these places in the `ili of Pahukauila in the Ahupua`a of Kaluaaha on the Island of Molokai. Here are their sizes:

Lot claim 1. The length is 180 feet on the east and west, and 180 feet on the north and south.
Lot claim 2. 180 feet on the south, by 180 feet on the east.
Lo'i claim 3. 60 feet on the north by 60 feet on the east
Cultivated kula claim 4. 240 feet on the north, by 150 feet on the east.
Cultivated kula claim 5. 180 feet on the east by 12 feet on the north.
Mountain claim 6. 210 feet on the north by 180 feet on the east.

Those are my claims whic ....

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Land received in 1832, no objections to this day.

Kahakumakaliilii, sworn, we have known in the same way.

N.T. 121-122v6 [also pages 42-43] [same as claim 237S?]
No. 192B, Kaohimaunu

Section 1 - House lot.
Mauka by Opunui
Mapulehu by Aukai
Makai by Kamoku
Ualapue by Konohiki.

Section 2 - Patch.
Mauka and Mapulehu by Ninihua
Makai by Konohiki
Ualapue by Makaikina.

Section 3 - Pasture.
Mauka by Aukai
Mauka by Konohiki
Mapulehu by road
Ualapue by Uweuwele.

Section 4 - Pasture.
Mauka by Kaiui
Mapulehu by pali
Makai by Opunui
Ualapue by stream.

Section 5 - Pasture.
Mauka by Konohiki
Mapulehu by pali
Makai by Kahaku
Ualapue by stream.

[Award 237S; no R.P.; Kaluaaha Kona; 3 ap.; 1.52 Acs; See also 8940 not awarded]