Mahele Documents

4/25/2009 12:57:51 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 05762
Claimant: Kuaihelani
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waikele
Ili: Papaa, Kapakahi, Ohua
Statistics: 6506 characters 1099 words
No. 5762, Kuaihelani
N.R. 132-133v5

To the honorable Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claims for land, house lot and kula at Papapaa in Waikele, Ewa, Island of Oahu. On the north is the land of Kaula, on the east is the land of Olio, on the south is the land of Olualai, on the west is the land of Palaualelo, in the middle are some lo'is. It was from Mahu and Lualai. Also, at Kapakahi, in Waikele is a side of a lo'i. On the north is the land of Kualli, on the east is the land of Makue, on the south is the land of Kaupuaa, on the west is the side for Kane. Claim 2 is for kula at Waikele, Oahu. On the north is a kula, on the east is the land of Aiawa, on the south is Kauluniu, on the west is kula and the house. Claim 3 is a house lot at Aualli. On the north is a Pali, on the east are the houses of Kama, on the south the lo'is of Palu, on the west, a stream.
January 27, 1846

F.T. 107-109v9
No. 5762, Kuaihelani, claimant

Kalawaia, sworn says, he knows the claim of Kuaihelani.

It is 1st a loi kalo called Kamalua.
2d a loi in the ili Papaa seaward of the loi Paauko of Kauhuoaiwi which I have three times planted under Koi & also under claimant, but since ....

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.... presented to Kahanolono where Palu verified that the house site was for Kuaihelani. Kuaihelani did not think this was right, so he appealed to M. Kekuanaoa. The Governor supported Kuaihelani that he may have his house there. Later Kaholo asked Kuaihelani to establish the boundaries of his land so that he would always have his house there. Komahipaka does not know the time Palu had given his approval before Kehanolono had taken place in Waiawa. Kahanolono's written approval appears below.

Waiawa, 16 December 1844
We had made a settlement for Palu and Kuaihelani because Palu had made an appeal to the Governer, to Ii and Hooliliamanu and for Palu's advantage they had given Kuaihelani's house to him leaving Kuaikelani destitute, so an appeal was made to me, Kahanolono and Palu has agreed to the following conditions.

To live with love one for another, every house dweller is to live under Palu's care until the house shall fall apart and beyond as long as Palu and Kuaihelani shall live right together.
PALU (his X Mark)
Witnesses: Kalanao, Paahana, Koiama, Kalawaia, Puaniki, Kaiuihula, Kuaihelani, Kahanohano
A true copy. J. Kekaulahao, 18 September 1851

[Award 5762; R.P. 1280; Papaa Waikele Ewa; 4 ap.; 1.71 Acs]