Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05835
Claimant: Kaleiokane
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Koolaupoko
Ahupuaa: Kailua
Ili: Kahewakuakua, Kekai, Kapia, Pohakupu, Kikewakuakua
Statistics: 1687 characters 287 words
No. 5835, Kaleiokane
N.R. 152v5

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: Here is my claim for land. I have five lo`i in the `Ili of Kekai.A kula house lot is at Kapia in Kailua Island of Oahu. I got these in the time of Kamehameha I.

F.T. 287v14
Helu 5835, Kaleiokane (Make ....

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.... his land from Nakii in the time of Liliha and had it in peace till his death in the year 1848. Makalani his widow is his heir.

Naluielua, sworn says, the above testimony is true.

[Award 5835; R.P. 4019; Kikewakuakua Kailua Koolaupoko; 2 ap.; .52 Ac.; R.P. 6831; Pohakupu Kailua Koolaupoko; 1 ap.; .368 Ac.]