Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 05885
Claimant: Kahinu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waianae
Ahupuaa: Waianae
Ili: Keau
Statistics: 1733 characters 305 words
No. 5885, Kahinu, Keau, Waianae, Oahu, January 15, 1848
N.R. 173-174v5

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land and house. This land is at Keau and is a combined kula cultivated by us here in Keau. Its boundaries are: On the north, a pali; on the east, Keauiki ....

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.... Keau in Waianae, Oahu - 1 section.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by a pali
Ewa by Nio, a moo land
Makai by Konohiki's pasture
Waianae by Kapepe, a moo land.

Land from Kihi at the time of Liliha, no objections.

Kekua, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kihi.

[No. 5885 not awarded]