Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06068
Claimant: Hikauhi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Kalauao
Ili: Kapaeli
Statistics: 2300 characters 399 words
No. 6068, Hikauhi, Kalauao, Ewa, Oahu, December 31, 1848
N.R. 227v5

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Is:lands, Greetingss I hereby state my claim for land and house. This mo`o is at Kapaeli, and is named Kealai. It is bounded on the north by the land of Kalua, on the east by a kula, on the south by the land of Kaue, on the west by a Muliwai. My house claim is bounded on the north by a kula, on the east by a land bo ....

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Land given by Kaiui, the land overseer, to Kalawaia for Hikauhi's impudence to him (Kaiui).

Walehau, sworn, he had seen (Hikauhi) living on this land, it had been from Haelo but Moi was the first to have lived on this land. Kaiui asked Hikauhi to harvest his (Kaiui) taro for him every day and save Fridays for himself. Hikauhi refused this request and for this reason Kaiui took this land away in 1847.

[No. 6068 not awarded]