Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 06139
Claimant: Nakowana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona, North
Ahupuaa: Papuaa 3, Kahaluu
Ili: Ililoa
Statistics: 1442 characters 214 words
No. 6139, Nakowana
N.R. 411-412v8

Here is this ili in the ili named Ililoa, a very ancient ili from my makuas, at Kahaeu /Kahaluu/.

N.T. 625v4
No. 6139, Nakowana, February 14, 1849

Umiumi, sworn, He has seen in ....

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.... or Nakowana. Interest from Naholoaa at the time of Kuakini, no one has objected to him.

Keliihelelau, sworn, the Both he and Umiumi have known in the same way on all things concerning Nokowana's land.

[Award 6139; R.P. 4340; Kahaluu Kona; 1 ap.; 1.57 Acs]