Mahele Documents

9/23/2011 5:02:18 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06146Z
Claimant: Kahakaumano/Kahakama
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kaanapali
Ahupuaa: Kahakuloa
Ili: Paulai
Statistics: 2195 characters 292 words
Cl. 6146Z, Kahakama
F.T. 345v7

M. Kenui, sworn, I sent in this claim in Jaunary 1848. The claimant's land consists of 4 pieces in Kahakuloa.

No. 1 is a house lot in Kawaihae 3.
No. 2 is a kalo land in Ohia.
No. 3 is 5 lois in Palae.
No. 4 is 1 loi in Piiloi.

The claimant received these lands from his parents and his parents had them from the days of that Great Chief Kamehameha I. His title h ....

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.... >Mauka by Hookano
Lahaina by Poalima/stream
Makai by Paahao's land/Kaholo's land
Waihee by Pali.

Section 3:
Mauka by Kaopunaanaa/prison patch
Makai by Palaukai
Waihee by Stream

Section 4:
Mauka by Kaikena
Lahaina by Hale's land
Makai by Hale and Konohiki land
Waihee by Kaikena's land.

[Award 6146Z; R.P. 4636; Paulai Kahakuloa Kaanapali; 3 ap.; 3.165 Acs]