Mahele Documents

06200 Keahikulaia, Abigail, wife
Claim Number: 06200
Claimant: Steele, James M.
Other claimant:Keahikulaia, Abigail, wife
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Halekii
Statistics: 3369 characters 574 words
Claim 6200, James M. Steele
N.R. 12v3

The Native Book of Register Page [left plank] Vol. [left blank] In behalf of Abigail Keahikuilua (Keahikulina Testimony)

F.T. 187-188v2
Claim 6200, James M. Steele for Abigail Keahikuilina, February 11 [1849]

Kaikoai, sworn, I know this place which is in Kona Hawaii at Naoa. It is partly kalo & partly open land bounded:

On Kau side by an ahupuaa of Heekai
Mauka by Kealaieho Road
Kohala side by Halekii
Makai by the sea.

Many people live upon it and claim the right of occupancy. Claimant derives his right from Keahokalole. Claimant ....

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.... ed; however, Kaulia had always lived under all of the konohiki. When Kaulia dies, he has bequested his land to the original konohiki, the wife of Steel who is his daughter. As the people murmured to Naihe for an explanation about their lands, Kaulia came before them and said, "My daughter will always be my heir." Kahue is the attendant who lives there continuously. Keahikuilua has lived there in peace and with no objections since the death of Kaulia. Uo is the name of this property and the boundaries are the same as the testimony just given here. The only house standing there is for Kahue, who is a caretaker for Steel.

[No. 6200 not awarded]