Mahele Documents

5/25/2006 1:57:47 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06479
Claimant: Kalama
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Keokea, Waiohuli, Kamaole
Ili: Elimakule, Pauweoweo, Alenoho, Piimoo, Maunakilowaa
Statistics: 3118 characters 513 words
No. 6479, Kalama, Keokea, February 1, 1848
N.R. 389-390v6

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I, Kalama, hereby state my claim for land in Keokea. The `ili is Elimakole, where I have my moku mau`u*. On the north is the hill of Keohea, on the east is the house lot of Apiki, on the south is the house lot of Kapohaku, on the west is the church.

Furthermore, my house lot is in the `Ili of Unauna, a moku mau`u is in the `ili of Kuhae, and one is at Waiohuli, and also one in Kamaole, and a moku mau`u of Irish potatoes.

Furthermore, there is a place for raising goats at Kamaole. On t ....

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.... oes in Puaweoweo in Waiohuli ahupuaa, from Kawa.

Land all received in 1847, no disputes.

Section 1:
Mauka by Apiki
Makawao by Umauma
Makai by Apiki
Honuaula by Kapohaku/Maikawai.

Section 2:
Mauka by Uilani
Makawao by Kailiino
Makai by Kukae
Honuaula by Pihi.

Section 3: Konohiki boundaries all around.

Section 4:
Mauka by Umauma
Makaiwa [Makawao?] Waialou stream
Makai by Uilani
Honuaula by Kapelekai.

[Award 6479; R.P. 6490; Keokea Kula; 2 apana; 11.38 Acres; See also 6179B apana awards]