Mahele Documents

00270 Ii, John
Claim Number: 00270
Claimant: Maau
Other claimant:Ii, John
Other name: Mahu
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Beretania St.
Statistics: 5683 characters 988 words
No. 270, Maau, claimant
F.R. 170v1

1 document in Native Register, page 37, volume 2

N.R. 37-38v2
No. 270, Maau, wahine

With greetings to W. R. [William Richards] and the Land Commission, with the protection of God, the Lord Jesus:

I, Maau, hereby tell you of my house lot at Kikihale. Here is the explanation. Kahuhu asked Kauhikoa for a lot for me and my kane at this place. Because of the love of Kahuhu for us, having to swim the estuary in the chill of the early morning, in coming to school, since the people were seeking righteousness at this time, And Kauhikoa assented: "What is wrong with that? That place will be for them, there is no one there." Kahuhu told my kane to build a house for us there, and a house and afterwards a fence were built.

When my kane died I inherited the lot and John Ii assisted me when I had trouble there.

The length of time that place has been ours - my kane and myself - is from the time that writing was taught, until now. Perhaps it was 1825, that was when we began living at this place.

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.... br />N.T. 320v2
No. 271!, Mahu and John Ii (See M), October 5 [1847]
[should be 270]

Mahu, sworn by the Word of God and stated, I have seen John Ii's property.

My property is on the north side
on the east is Hotel St
on the south, Lanai's lot and
on the west are Uwepa [Webster] and Aluli's properties.

This property was given to Keaka in the year 1837, so they brought their houses, erected them there and he lived there with his children. When Keoki Kolomana (George Coleman) died, the place remained. John Ii was the foster parent of Keaka's daughter and he had no other living children.

We (two) had filed a claim for that property in the year 1841 and at that time that place was divided and my place was separated from Mele's lot. She is the adopted daughter of John Ii. George Coleman's wife is the older sister of John Ii's wife, so John Ii had filed a claim in the name of Mele. No other interest is in Mele's place, John Ii only.

[Award 270; R.P. 2663; Beretania St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .33 Ac.]