Mahele Documents

6/28/2009 3:11:12 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 06512
Claimant: Aki
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kalihi
Ili: Mokauea
Statistics: 2115 characters 359 words
No. 6512, Aki
N.R. 377v5

From the year 1840 until this day on which I petition for my land claim at Mokauea, mauka of Kalihi, Island of Oahu, /I have held/ the following, explained as follows: five lo'i together, makai of the ko'ele and the land of Waialua, one lo'i adjoining to the eastward of the ko'ele, six lo'i together, mauka of the ko'ele, one lo'i adjoining below ....

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.... year 1843, and occupied the same up to the time of his death in 1848.

Hilo, sworn, says he knows this kuleana. Five of the kalo patches are nahelehele. Witness cultivates the other patches for Kaholokai. I have known the place for 14 years & Aki was living there before my time. Aki had also a piece of kula land for cultivation.

[Award 6512; R.P. 4950; Mokauea Kalihi Kona; 2 ap.; 1.13 Acs]