Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00275B
Claimant: Zupplien, Henraij (Henry)
Other claimant:
Other name: Kapiliena, Henraij
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Kilikiliawa, Poepoe
Statistics: 7421 characters 1275 words
No. 275B, Henraij Zupplien

No. 275, Henraij Zupplein, Claimant, Honolulu, 7 December 1846
F.R. 172-173v1

To the Honorable Board of Commissioners for quieting Land Claims

In compliance with your requisition I respectfully beg to state that I lay claims to the following lands, namely

1st a plot of land situate on what is generally now called Broadway in Honolulu, formerly known as King Street of the size & boundaries following:

[DIAGRAM] Title in diagram "Rising Sun Public House"

The above plot of land was given me in the year 1822 by Kalaimoku (Pitt) in return for services rendered, and stock and goods furnished to him by me. I built a house many years ago on the above land which was known as the dog & bell, and I have since rebuilt & improved much upon the land, and my present house is known as the Rising Sun Public House. I have held possession about (23) twenty-tree years.

[margin note:] No. 275B
2nd. I lay claim to lands (the limits of which are not precisely defined) situated at Palama, one called "Kilikili Awa" on the upper part thereof; and consisting of 9 kalo patches; and on the lower part to land called "Poe Poe," consisting of 19 or more kalo patches. These lands are intersected by lands belonging to other people, and were bought by me of his Majesty, Kamehameha 1st in the month of November 1813 or thereabouts. ....

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.... esent time; no one has objected.

Hanunu, sworn by the Word of God and stated, This land is at Nuhelewai and Kilikiliaua is the name.

A stream is on the north
Kainapuaa on the east
Puulole on the south and
Nauole is on the western side.

Zupplien had received this land during the reign of Kamehameha I. Kamehameha had given it to Zupplien. He was the only konohiki there. 6 attendants are living there with Kalua as caretaker.

Kalua. sworn by the Word of God and stated, My knowledge is the same as the one that has been revealed here concerning the land. I have heard that Zupplien had lived there from Kamehameha 1's time. There is also a lele there named Kapoepoe. The property of Kekai is on the northern part of that lele;

Harbottle's property on the east
and Kekai's place is on the southern and western parts.

That land is in our possession but some patches are gone. This lele and the land, too, are from Kamehameha I. The patches had been given away at the time of Kaikiowa. I had seen Zupplien living there during the lifetime of Kaahumanu. I have heard only that his land had been from Kamehameha I. The lele has 19 patches and one pond. Three were given

[Award 275B; R.P. 75; Kilikiliawa Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; 4.16 Acs; R.P. 105; Kilikiliawa Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; .6 Ac.; R.P. 106; Poepoe Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; 2.62 Acs; See also Award 275 for documents]